Products Info PDF File Download ISO9001 SUPPLIERS' DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Shinkoh Electric Co., Ltd.

Shinkoh Electric Co., Ltd.

1-5-16, Yamasaka,
Higashisumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-shi
Osaka, 546-0035, Japan
TEL: +81-6-6629-1123
FAX: +81-6-6623-1133

Products for lifting Cranes and Hoists
Shinkoh Electric Co., Ltd. as leading manufacturer of mechanical and elctrical products for lifting cranes and hoists.

Our quality policy: Promoting the continueing improvement.
It aims at industrial injury zero with the high economical and reliability safety system for the trust of customer and customer satisfaction.

Export products:
Pendant Pushbutton Stations for Crane/Hoist. Cable Hanger for Crane/Hoist.
Please refer to our products.

Pendant Pushbutton Stations

SBN Series

Cable Hanger for Messenger

SDT2 Series